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Mistakes men make when corresponding with Ukrainian ladies

    It is very difficult to outline the most common mistakes foreign men make when they start communicating with Ukrainian ladies. We are all human and it is human to err when dealing with people. But if you want to avoid misunderstandings and embarrassing situations get prepared and learn how to avoid some of the worst mistakes.
    1. Russia is not Ukraine.  Those are two different countries. It will be quite useful to read in advance about Ukraine, its culture, customs and traditions. Every woman will be flattered to realise that a man has spent time to get to know her country and culture. A Ukrainian lady will get upset if a man refers to her country as Russia, instead of Ukraine. That would mean he does not even know about the existence of Ukraine, or even worse - that he doesn't care to know. That may cause lots of misunderstandings.
   2. Wrong notions.  The second most common mistake made by foreign men is considering Ukraine a third world's country. Led by this wrong assumption they tend to think that those beautiful women they see on the site are simply looking for a rich husband and a ticket abroad. The truth is that for most Ukrainian women it would be very hard to leave their country and therefore they would dare do so only if they are convinced they have found true love. That's why reading about Ukraine would be really helpful.
    3. Ukrainian mentality.  There's another major mistake foreign men make when starting an acquaintance with a Ukrainian lady - they talk about falling in love with her in their very first letter. The words "I love you" mean a lot in Ukraine. Ukrainian men never say such serious words in the beginning of a relationship. To say "I love you" in Ukraine takes a lot of time, serious feelings and commitment. Therefore, a Ukrainian woman will not like it if a foreign man tries to persuade her in his deep feelings from the very beginning. Rather, she would thing he is shallow, fake, not serious, or even worse that he says so to every pretty lady on the site.
    4. Money issue.  Another ugly mistake foreign man make is to talk about how much money he has been spending on her - correspondence, phones, gifts etc. Even worse, to talk about how much money he has spent during their personal meeting. This is a sure way to deeply disappoint a Ukrainian woman. It is not accepted here in Ukraine for a man to talk about money with a woman. This should be his secret. Ukrainian women don't like their men to pay too much attention to money. They wants to be the centre of men's attention. Moreover, talking about money spent may give her the impression that he is stingy, which would most definitely be the end of her affection.
    5. Dress code.  Some men, especially those from the US, may be a bit shocked by the way Ukrainian ladies dress, which is anything, but conservative. Most Ukrainian ladies prefer to dress fashionably, and in a way that sometimes may be considered "immodest". That's because they are not ashamed to show their beautiful bodies. However, this does not mean they are sexually available. Most women in Ukraine would not have sex in the beginning of a relationship (not to speak on the first date) and some would not have sex at all if they are not engaged or married to a man.
Well, on the other hand you have to be aware that at times it is quite possible for your dress style to also shock Ukrainian ladies. Lots of American and European men like wearing casual or sports clothes. For instance, French men love wearing corduroy pants, while Americans love wearing jeans and shorts. However, such casual clothes may seem to your Ukrainian lady inappropriate for dating activities, such as dining out, going to the theatre, etc.
    6. Smiling and chewing of gum.  Both of these are part of the American culture. People in the USA always smile and they have this habit of chewing a gum. In Ukraine people also love to smile and they also use chewing gum, they just do it in a different manner. Often Americans say that Ukrainians look a bit sullen, which is completely wrong. People here love to smile and to have fun, but it is not part of the local culture to smile at people you do not know - people you meet on the bus, on the streets, at stores or at other public places. If you smile in Ukraine as much as you do in your home country, people may think you are not in your right mind. Your Ukrainian lady may think the same! As for the chewing gum, people here, especially the elder generation, think it is rude to be chewing a gum while talking to someone. They consider it a nasty habit.
    7. Flowers.  When dating Ukrainian women make sure you give them only an odd number of flowers. In Ukraine an even number of flowers are being brought only to funerals. Also avoid giving yellow flowers, because the yellow is considered to be symbolising a break up. A superstitious lady may also consider it to be a bad omen or a sign of bad luck.